Complete Your KYC with Caesium: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Mar 01, 2024

Complete Your KYC with Caesium: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Welcome to Caesium, your trusted platform for secure transactions. In this step-by-step tutorial, we'll guide you through the KYC activation process to ensure your account is fully verified and ready for seamless transactions.

Step 1: Access Your Account

To begin, enter your password to access your Caesium account. For added security, consider enabling FaceID or Biometric authentication.

Step 2: Navigate to the P2P Section

Once logged in, navigate to the P2P section of the app. This feature allows you to engage in peer-to-peer transactions securely.

Step 3: Confirm Personal Details

Confirm your personal details by providing your Full Name, Email, Country, and Mobile Number. Tap "Verify" to proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Verify OTP

Check your email inbox for the OTP and enter both the Email OTP and Mobile OTP. This step ensures the security of your account.

Step 5: Complete Other Details

Provide additional details such as Gender, Birthdate, Address, City Name, State Name, and Postal Code. Tap "NEXT" to move forward.

Step 6: Upload ID Proof

In the ID proof section, enter your Passport or NRI number and upload the front side of your Passport. You may also upload the back side if necessary.

Step 7: Upload Address Proof

Enter your Address Proof Document Number and upload the front side of your Address Proof. If required, upload the back side as well.

Step 8: Selfie Verification

Take a selfie with your ID proof for added security. This step ensures that the person registering is the legitimate owner of the account.

Step 9: Successful Submission

Congratulations! Your KYC details have been successfully submitted. You're now ready to enjoy secure transactions on the Caesium platform.

Thank you for choosing Caesium for your financial needs. Remember, security is our priority. Follow us on social media and visit our website to stay updated on the latest developments. It's time to experience secure transactions like never before with Caesium.

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